I feel good, dönönönönönö
Eller inte. Käkar lite livsfarlig Noskapin och fick nyss ännu mer halstabletter av mamma (jag har inte ens ont i halsen men hon sa att det kan vara gott med mentol i halsen). Förlitar mig på den kunniga inom sjukdomar och korrekt behandling i familjen. Har nu gjort klart stadsdelsgrejen och tänkte skriva om Glee, det är åtminstone lite roligt.
Translation; I don't feel that good, but I have that song you know "I feel good dunununununu" in my mind all the time. Anyway. I'm eating this totally dangerous pills called Noskapin 3 times a day now for my coughing, it doesn't help at all but mum force me to do that. And recently mum came home from the supermarket with more... throat lozenges <- (had to google translate that word.. sounds funny though.. lozenges.. hm) but my throat doesn't even hurt but she told me that it might feel good iin my throat with all this menthol stuff. I guess I have to trust the person in this family who actually knows something about diseases. Now I'm going to study a bit more, yay.
[email protected]
Translation; I don't feel that good, but I have that song you know "I feel good dunununununu" in my mind all the time. Anyway. I'm eating this totally dangerous pills called Noskapin 3 times a day now for my coughing, it doesn't help at all but mum force me to do that. And recently mum came home from the supermarket with more... throat lozenges <- (had to google translate that word.. sounds funny though.. lozenges.. hm) but my throat doesn't even hurt but she told me that it might feel good iin my throat with all this menthol stuff. I guess I have to trust the person in this family who actually knows something about diseases. Now I'm going to study a bit more, yay.
[email protected]