blueberry shake and a sore throat
Idag mår jag ungefär så här + tusen nysningar och hostar. Har gått och blivit vrålförkyld, så jäkla segt!! Vart i skolan ändå eftersom att vi hade viktig slutplanering i det sista projektet i skolan, så fick jag pratat med några lärare med. Skulle egentligen jobbat efter skolan men jag varken orkar eller kan det, har så sjukt ont i min käre hals och har en hel del att plugga på inför imorgon. Nåväl, ikväll ska jag glo lite på Eurovisionsfestivalen, woooo. Vet inte riktigt vad jag ska skriva. Nu ska jag översätta detta med. Hej.
And the bad translation; Today I feel something like this (see the 1st picture) + a thousand sneezings and cough. As you know I'm having this huge cold that won't let go, really boring. Anyway, I still went to school today and it went good, no drama. And I got to speak to a few teacher so everything but English class will turn out to be good in the end. And well, yeah, I was supposed to go to work after school today but I feel like it was a good investment for my healt to stay home since I'm super tired and feel ill + that thing that I have one test tomorrow and one assignment to finnish. Tonight I'm only going to watch some telly and yupp. Don't know what to write anymore. Bye.
And the bad translation; Today I feel something like this (see the 1st picture) + a thousand sneezings and cough. As you know I'm having this huge cold that won't let go, really boring. Anyway, I still went to school today and it went good, no drama. And I got to speak to a few teacher so everything but English class will turn out to be good in the end. And well, yeah, I was supposed to go to work after school today but I feel like it was a good investment for my healt to stay home since I'm super tired and feel ill + that thing that I have one test tomorrow and one assignment to finnish. Tonight I'm only going to watch some telly and yupp. Don't know what to write anymore. Bye.